Use your body to ground yourself
in the midst of chaos,
defiance and uncontrollable emotions.

Raising a human being can be so triggering.

It’s hard to enjoy time with your child when you are dysregulated.

In the midst of conflict, have you ever…

  • Lost your cool and made a tough situation even worse?

  • Felt guilty after shouting, yelling, or snapping at your child?

  • Let your emotions out by banging things around, stomping, or clenching your fists?

  • Gone numb and disassociated?

  • Found it hard to move or make decisions?

You are not alone. We've all been there.

Good news — there's nothing wrong with you, mama.

Self-regulation is a skill.

We aren’t born knowing how to get back to calm. 

You can learn how to choose calm by practicing my step-by-step way of responding to triggers. Calm is a skill you can build.

What if you could grow your body's ability to recover from stressful inputs like your child's upset and big emotions?

With practice, this is 100% possible for you.

Hi, I’m Mary Van Geffen, and I’m a mom just like you.

Let’s be clear that calmly parenting my children did not come naturally to me. I had no idea what it looked like to stay grounded in the midst of defiance and unexplainable explosive emotions. In the early years, there was a lot of yelling, disrespect and anger… from both of us.

Then, when my Spicy One™ turned 5, I started a life-changing spiritual journey to see the goodness of my child. I was determined to stay calm, kind and firm no matter what they were doing! This deep work into my own childhood wounding and non-violent communication techniques allowed me to make space for the exceptional young adults my children have become.

My great joy is to now serve families struggling like mine once did and support them in their own healing journeys. I’ve helped thousands of moms across the globe to transform the relationship they have with their larger-than-life kids.

What if…

  • You had a rehearsed plan for when the anger bubbles up

  • You didn’t feel guilty about your reaction to your child

  • You felt able to pause before you snap

  • You had scripts to use in moments of high emotion

  • You had more energy to enjoy your child (and the rest of your life)

You can learn how to stop the cycle and come back to calm.

Join us in…

In this class, you will…

  1. Shift your thinking to better prepare you for conflict and triggers

  2. Rehearse physical practices to help regulate your nervous system 

  3. Design the steps you need to be a peaceful presence for your child

“I don't know a single person who wouldn't benefit from this class — parent or not, we can literally always be better at recognizing our bodies and our emotions.  Finding your calm is an interpersonal skill that everyone needs. I would have paid more - truly. But I like the price point because it's easily justifiable.”


“My husband and I watched the Calm recording together. Now we have a shared language — we coach each other to “be the sloth” and do a silly movement when we feel like the other needs encouragement and a reminder. It makes us laugh and breaks the tension. Love your sense of humor and teaching style!”


“I would like to give you a sincere, heartfelt ‘thank you’ from this weary mom of 2 spicy toddlers. I’ve read gentle parenting books, said a lot of prayers, joined workshops, listened to podcasts and basically arrived at the conclusion that I was always just too depleted and overwhelmed to buck up and try any harder than I already was... I even spoke with my doctor about antidepressants, thinking maybe that was the only fix left for my outbursts, frustration, and depletion…. Your permission and resources to “work on my energy more than my response” resonated so heavily with me that it brought tears to my eyes right there on camera with strangers. The tools you’ve taught me will be invaluable to my mental health and the atmosphere of our home. I feel more hopeful about motherhood today than I have in a very long time.”


Here’s what’s included:

  • Class Recording

    The hour-long class recording will be accessible on Teachable to view (or listen to) at your leisure.

  • Worksheet

    A printable worksheet accompanies the teaching, for note-taking and personal reflection.

  • Lifetime Access

    All class content will be viewable as long as I run this business, so you have plenty of time to view and review the material.

What if it was possible to feel confident, kind, and peaceful, even when your child is losing their mind?

Imagine the Future

  • Your child’s big emotions trigger your own big emotions, but you are able to breathe through them and address your child with kindness.

  • The day was long and everyone needs something RIGHT NOW, but you take a moment alone to regroup before answering any requests.

  • You said something snappy to your tired, whiny child but you notice what is happening in your body and wait to speak again until you’ve cared for your own heart first.

“The tools I learned in this class will be invaluable to my mental health and the atmosphere of our home. I feel more hopeful about motherhood today than I have in a very long time.”

—Jessica, class participant

Frequently asked questions:

  • This is a recording of the live class I taught in January 2023. After you purchase the class, you’ll receive an email with access to the Teachable classroom where I will make the class available.

  • This recorded class is approximately an hour long.

  • This class is applicable for parents of kids of any age. Whether your children are infants or adults, it’s never too late to find your calm!

  • Yes, they are welcome to view the class with you!

  • Nope. While I personally identify as a deconstructing, radically affirming Christian, no religious affiliation is specifically associated with this class. I do believe parents need the benefits that come with opening up to a higher power, but how you define that is up to you.

  • Your purchase grants you access to all class materials for as long as I run this business of coaching moms on the Internet (aka, for the foreseeable future)!

  • Yes, ma’am! This, along with my Kind class, are so foundational that if you register for both, I’ll refund you $50 towards your MOSO™ tuition if you end up joining.

Have further questions? Send the team an email at