Love yourself even when you don’t like your parenting.

Why is it so hard to be

the mom you want to be?

It’s normal to feel like you’re failing at the most important job in the world.

>> Failing at getting it “right”, when you have all the resources in the world at your fingertips.

>> Failing at keeping your cool during conflict.

>> Failing at playing and connecting with your child on their level.

>> Failing at holding your boundaries.

>> Failing at remembering all the appointments, meal-prepping, activities and birthday parties.

>> Failing at listening without giving advice.

It’s time to kick your guilt to the curb!

Parenting is hard enough
without that mean voice in your head.

You know in your brain who you really are.

Kind and compassionate.

Creative and inventive.

Attuned to your unique child’s needs.

Fun and playful.

Loved by your children.

A good mom.

But how do you believe it in your body?

  • In this class, you will...

    Release the shame and guilt trapped in your body with a transformative somatic practice.

    Shift your inner posture to one of self-compassion in each current moment.

    Cultivate mercy and grace for future unavoidable parenting mess-ups.

Hi, I’m Mary Van Geffen, and I’m a mom just like you.

Let’s be clear that parenting my children did not come naturally to me. I had no idea what it looked like to stay tender in the midst of defiance and unexplainable explosive emotions. In the early years, there was a lot of yelling, disrespect and anger… from both of us.

Then, when my Spicy One™ turned 5, I started a life-changing spiritual journey to see the goodness of my child. I was determined to stay calm, kind and firm no matter what they were doing! This deep work into my own childhood and non-violent communication techniques allowed me to make space for the exceptional young adults my children have become.

My great joy is to now serve families struggling like mine once did and support them in their own healing journeys. I’ve coached hundreds of moms across the globe to transform the relationship they have with their larger-than-life kids.

How would it feel to…

>> Meet each day believing in your worth?

>> Bring self-compassion to the parts of parenting you struggle with most?

>> Stop rehearsing the shame you feel for losing it with your child?

>> Forgive yourself for the lowest points of your parenting?

>> Become more patient with yourself no matter how you or your child behaves?

This is 100% possible for you.
Let me introduce…

“This class helped me become more aware of my parenting, and less on autopilot or reactionary during difficult times.

It's a win to give myself more grace and to observe and learn from those times, instead of only feeling bad that they happened.”

— Sarah, class participant

Here’s what to expect:

  • Pre-Recorded Class

    The hour-long pre-recorded class recording is accessible on Teachable to view at your leisure, so everyone has equal opportunity to view the class.

  • Worksheet

    Two downloadable worksheets accompany the class. One is for reflection, and the other includes instructions for repeating the somatic exercise on your own.

  • Lifetime Access

    All class content will be viewable as long as I run this business, so you have plenty of time to view and review the material.

What if it was possible… to feel proud of how you parent rather than constantly worried you are getting it wrong?

Imagine the future…


    Your child still has a mind of their own but you no longer look at yourself as failing just because they are having a tough day. You have stopped judging or punishing yourself for being overwhelmed or making mistakes.


    As you approach challenging moments with your child, you don’t feel the need to clench your stomach or fists. When you feel unstable or unsure, you are comforted by a protective, nurturing inner voice.


    You have realistic expectations about the energy you can give to your child. When you lose your cool, you apologize and let it go, knowing you are a good mom. Parenting nourishes both your child AND you.

No one should have to do this alone and lonely like I did.

I want to normalize the intense spiritual work of staying gentle on this journey. I want to help you tend to the child in front of you as well as the child within you. 

Together, let’s quiet the noise of the judgmental world that tries to make you feel unprepared for this big job.

My mission is to help equip moms to tolerate the everyday tensions of parenthood and stay in their most loving self. 

“This class helped me realize I am completely equipped to handle the difficult side of my children.

I often feel unequipped in intense moments, but in this calm state I can see clearly that I am completely able to handle it.”

— Shannon, class participant

  • You are Good Enough.

    May you generously give yourself this contemplation of empathy and acceptance for the health of your family.

Frequently asked questions:

  • This class recording is approximately 70 minutes in length.

  • This class is applicable for parents of kids any age. Whether your children are infants or adults, it’s never too late to feel good enough!

  • Yes, they are welcome to view the class with you!

  • Nope. While I personally identify as a deconstructing, radically affirming Christian, no religious affiliation is specifically associated with this class.

    I do believe parents need the benefits that come with opening up to a higher power, but how you define that is up to you.

  • Your purchase grants you access to all class materials for as long as I run this business of coaching moms on the Internet (aka, for the foreseeable future!).

Have further questions? Send the team an email here.