Learn life-changing skills for parenting a powerhouse in under 1 hour.

Pick a class that speaks to the gaps you might have in connecting with your child.

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  • Moms of Spicy Ones®

    Keeping your cool and cultivating a warm connection with your big-feeling human is no small task.

    Raising a loud, persistent, intense child is easier when you have community and support.

  • The Collection

    Be Firm. Get Calm. Stay Kind.

    Get in on this combination of foundational, skill-building classes.

  • Siblings School

    Kids constantly at each other's throats? This 2-part, self-paced class helps bring healing to sibling rivalry while also supporting parents looking to solve sibling conflict with gentleness and compassion.

  • Tweens & Teens

    Kids growing up too fast? This course is designed for parents of tweens & teens focusing on how to navigate the parenting shifts that come with puberty. It teaches effective communication techniques and ways to enjoy the journey of raising adolescents, free from crippling fear and dread.

  • Chili Pepper Parenting Club

    Navigate the “Screw U, Now Tuck Me In” years of Adolescence Together

  • Calm

    This one-hour parenting class teaches self-regulation 101 for parents and other leaders. Learn how to calm yourself in the midst of chaos, defiance and uncontrollable emotions.

  • Kind

    Take 75 minutes to learn practical positive communication strategies to help your child cooperate and feel connected to you - especially when they mess up.

    Feel confident in the limits you set and bring more peace to your home with four epic actionable skills!

  • Firm

    Exhausted by your little boundary pusher’s creative loopholes, relentless arguments and constant pushback? This 1-hour class helps you create a plan for setting limits that actually work so your child can follow through on important house rules.

  • How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty

    Learn to set boundaries with persistent ADULTS: kindly, clearly, and effectively. Perfect for the recovering people pleasers.

  • Good Enough

    Perfectionism dragging you down? This class is a compassion-soaked experience using both an ancient somatic practice and a visualization meditation to help free you from your impossible parenting standards. Lean into your gifts and soak in the truth of who you truly are!

  • Repair Recipe

    Your willingness to take responsibility for your mistakes is the secret ingredient to creating a safe relationship with your child.

  • Craft Your Family Culture

    Get intentional about the family culture you are building!

    My step-by-step Craft Your Family Culture worksheet will guide you through a fun, family-bonding activity with a purpose. 

  • Holiday Boundaries

    Ready to set some healthy boundaries with your extended family?

    This holiday season, use these 10 scripts to calmly and warmly set the boundary that feels most important to you.

The tools you’ve taught me will be invaluable to my mental health and the atmosphere of our home. I feel more hopeful about motherhood today than I have in a very long time!”

— Class Participant

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