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I’ll cut to the chase: while your baby might be a Mild Child.. you on the other hand are a bona fide Spicy One™!

Consider this your official invitation to Moms of Spicy Ones®, my 8-week group coaching program. Learn to keep your cool and cultivate a loving connection with your child while you do the hard work of connecting with your own inner child. 

Help is here!
Made just for you…

Keep your cool and cultivate warm connection with your intense child.

Eight transformative weeks of video lessons, LIVE coaching calls, accountability, and online community.

Over 1,400 women have taken MOSO
transformed their relationship
with a strong-willed child.

Here’s what they have to say…

Is this you?

>> You feel ill-equipped to parent your Spicy One™ gently because most parenting tips don't apply to your high energy, independent child.

>> You are emotionally drained from walking on eggshells because of their extreme emotions and unpredictable outbursts.  

>> You are discouraged because your child’s explosiveness feels like it’s ruining the family peace, as well as their siblings’ childhood.

>> You feel stuck between worrying that you are dimming their light with harsh discipline, and yet not providing enough structure.

>> You worry about their future as an adult. Will they be able to keep friends, a job, or a relationship?

You are NOT the only one!

You can learn how to be a safe, loving space, no matter how your child behaves.

You know the kind of parent you want to be.

  • A mom who responds thoughtfully rather than reacts randomly.

  • A mom who is peaceful and able to stay present for the big emotions.

  • A mom who builds a lasting relationship based on respect and love.

  • A mom whose kids will choose to spend time with her as grown adults.

  • A mom whose child feels seen and loved for who they are, rather than for who you want them to be.

But how do you get there?

I’m Mary Van Geffen,
and I’m a
Mom of a Spicy One®.

Let’s be clear — parenting my iron-willed Spicy One did not come naturally to me. I had no idea what it looked like to stay tender amid defiance and unexplainable explosive emotions. In the early years, there was a lot of yelling, disrespect, and anger… from both of us.

Then, when my Spicy One turned five, I started a life-changing spiritual journey to see the goodness of my child. I was determined to stay calm, kind, and firm no matter what they were doing! This deep work into my childhood and non-violent communication techniques allowed me to make space for the exceptional young adult my Spicy One has become.

I take great joy serving parents who are struggling like I did, providing support to them in their healing journeys. I’ve coached hundreds of moms across the globe to transform the relationship they have with their larger-than-life kids.

No one should have to
do this alone and lonely
like I did!

I want to normalize the intense spiritual work of staying gentle on this spicy journey. I want to help you tend to the angry child in front of you as well as the scared child within you. 

Together, let’s quiet the noise of the judgmental world that would make you feel unprepared for this big job or would blame your child for their struggle.

My mission is to protect kids from being called brats or being written off because the adults around them don’t yet know how to tolerate the tension and stay in their most loving self. 

I am called to lighten the load of moms with the hardest assignments. I want to normalize the intense spiritual work of staying gentle on this Spicy journey. 

Because private one-on-one coaching isn’t accessible to most moms, Moms of Spicy Ones™ is designed to bring you the learnings from hundreds of my clients’ journeys without the custom price tag.

How would it feel to…

>> Set boundaries without crushing your child’s spirit?

>> Let go of the weight of your mom guilt?

>> Validate your child’s feelings instead of ignoring or mocking them?

>> Let your child know they are seen and heard?

>> Stay consistently composed and compassionate in the chaos?

>> Bring playfulness and laughter to the outbursts and fights?

“I'm so thankful I took a chance and made this INVESTMENT in myself, my Spicy One™, my mild one and my spouse. Really this course has helped make EVERYONE'S life more enjoyable and I'm proud of myself for doing this work!”

— Katie, Fall 2022

  • In this 8-week course, you will...

    Gain confidence in your own parenting intuition.

    Create a safe space for your child, no matter how they behave.

    Set firm limits without tearing your child down.

    Find creative ways to connect with your unique child.

    Know when to hold a boundary and when to ease up.

    Increase your compassion for yourself and your Spicy One™.

    Learn to love exactly who your child is and be proud of the parent you are becoming.

“This has been the best source of parenting support I have found in my nearly 10 years as a parent. I felt like I wasn't alone, that I have tools to help myself and my whole family. Honestly lots of it felt like things I'd worked through in counseling, I enjoyed seeing how that ties into parenting.”

— Jermaine, Fall 2022

“DO IT!! This course will be like nothing you have tried before. Other courses may touch on what it is to parent a spicy one, but no other course, book or webinar really, truly gets what you're going through. Mary sees you, she lives it, has parented the spicy child. She brings in so many perspectives and tools together in one place. This course gets to the foundation which is you, the mom. It helps you to move towards becoming whole and certain in how you show up as a parent so you can lead, guide and disciple/teach this spicy young one. It also gives you practical, usable strategies for how to parent your spicy one in a way that works for the spicy kid.”

-Jenifer, Fall 2022

There are four
components of MOSO®

  • Video Lessons

    Weekly pre-recorded video lessons are available each Thursday to watch at your leisure.

    These lessons are the bulk of the class material, and take about 30-60 minutes to watch each week.

    Your partner is welcome to watch with you!

  • Live Group Calls

    These optional Zoom calls have three parts - additional teaching, breakout rooms for discussion, and Q&A time. All calls are recorded for those unable to attend live.

    8 Tuesdays starting October 1, 2024.
    Week 1: 10/1 10AM Kids & 6PM Teens
    Week 2: 10/8 10AM Teens & 6PM Kids 
    Week 3: 10/15 10AM Kids & 6PM Teens
    Week 4: 10/22 10AM Teens & 6PM Kids
    Week 5: 11/5 10AM Kids & 6PM Teens
    11/6 6pm Dads of Spicy One Check In
    Week 6: 11/12 10AM Teens & 6PM Kids
    Week 7: 11/19 10AM Kids & 6PM Teens
    Week 8:  12/3 10AM Teens & 6PM Kids

    *Please note: To protect the vulnerable sharing of these courageous moms, the recordings of these tender meetings are only viewable for 30 days after the meeting.

  • Community

    You’ll have plenty of support throughout the course with a Private Instagram Page. Enjoy the release that comes with hearing how other MOSOs handle their little firecracker. It’s not just you!

    Plus 3 LIVE Social Hours and Rapid Fire Q&As: Get your anonymous questions answered here.

    10/11 3pm PT

    10/28 5pm PT

    11/15 9am PT

    You may also request an optional accountability partner to meet 1-on-1.

    Invite your co-parent to take this journey with you via a short weekly invitation video from Mary letting them know what's in each video to hopefully entice them to watch and to track with all you are learning.

  • MOSO® Journal

    Worksheets that accompany the video lessons provide space for reflection and further processing of the course material.

    Plus a summary sheet of each video's key points for my neurodivergent learners.

    Each week also includes action steps to solidify your learning.

Plus, you get lifetime access to the MOSO® curriculum!


“It was all around a wonderful self-discovering journey. I was given permission to let go of control and to get playful. That is so much of a better fit for me as a person.”

—Shannon, Fall 2022

Take it from these past students of MOSO®:

Here’s the week-by-week breakdown.

MOSO also includes
two months of bonus access
to my 3 most popular classes!

  • Kind: Gentle Parenting 101

    Effective gentle parenting techniques to replace yelling, shaming, and punishing with respect and warmth.

    Learn four E.P.I.C. communication skills to help your child cooperate and feel connected.

    Allow me to model the tone and posture you want as a friendly and effective leader in your home.

    Praise for this class:
    ”I'm like a kid sometimes in that I don't need a list of don'ts, I need to have the right ways modeled for me. This gave me some great examples on actions I can take, and the mental visuals I need to remember them.”

    -Amanda G.

  • Calm: Self Regulation 101

    Use your body to ground yourself in the midst of chaos, defiance and uncontrollable emotions.

    Note: KIND parenting techniques only work when you know how to be the calmest person in the room. Learn to build your custom calm down recipe based on your unique nervous system.

    Praise for this class:
    "I love how this course covers basically all learning styles, and has us to use our strongest learning style as the "meat and potatoes" of our Calm Down Recipe. I thought I'd be able to predict the bulk of the course (being a frequent IG follower), but I learned many new things!”

    -Chrissy H.

  • Tweens & Teens

    Kids growing up too fast? This course is designed for parents of tweens & teens focusing on how to navigate the parenting shifts that come with puberty. It teaches effective communication techniques and ways to enjoy the journey of raising adolescents, free from crippling fear and dread.

    Praise for this class:

    "I would highly recommend this course. It offers incredible insight that shows all parents practical and easy ways to improve relationships with their children. What we all want. It shows how to have grace and a quiet strength to disarm “spicy” children. I love that she includes play as a child’s/teens love language.”


  • Here’s everything that’s included:

    Moms of Spicy Ones® Curriculum (Lifetime access to 40+ recorded videos) - $400

    MOSO® Journal - $50

    8 Live coaching calls (see list of dates below in FAQ ) - $800

    Private Instagram Page (accessible during the live season of the course) - $100

    Dads of Spicy Ones Invitation Videos (Eight weekly 3 minute videos to alert your co-parent to what concepts you are learning) - $80

    Roster of Moms of Spicy Ones living near you! -priceless!!

    Kind Class: Gentle Parenting 101 (8 weeks of access to pre-recorded class & worksheet - $50

    Calm Class: (8 weeks of access to pre-recorded class & worksheet) - $50

    Tweens & Teens Class: (8 weeks of access to pre-recorded class & worksheet- $99

    3 Live Social Hours & Rapid Fire Q&A’s - $150

    Dads of Spicy Ones LIVE Check-In Call with dad therapist $200

    FULL VALUE: $1,979

“I was surprised at how robust the coursework was, and how in depth it is. Often with these courses (I’ve purchased various parenting courses), there is not a lot of groundbreaking material. MOSO felt super informative and easy to digest.”

— Samantha, Fall 2022

Moms of Spicy Ones® works for all kinds of Spicy. Here’s why…

  • Shame-Free.

    When you are trying to find your footing with a counter-cultural child who will NOT comply, you are bound to make some big mistakes.

    I’ll share my parenting lows right alongside you, and give you lots of space to grow, without judgment or condemnation. This is a safe space to be a real human parent who has real human challenges.

  • Inclusive.

    This class is for any mom whose child is difficult to parent regardless of whether your child or yourself is neurotypical or neurodivergent.

    We welcome all kinds of moms regardless of race, color, age (yes to grandmoms!), national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, status as a veteran, or disability.

    You don’t need a diagnosis or an IEP to make life-changing adjustments in your home. You can shift how you show up as a parent whether or not you are medicating your child, in family therapy or surrounded by child development professionals.

    There are so many ways to move toward health and healing, and this space is welcoming of them all.

  • Spiritual, Not Religious.

    While I identify as a deconstructing, radically LGBTQ+ affirming Christian, in this course, all expressions of faith are welcome. We will need the benefits that come with opening up to a higher power.

    Lisa Miller says it well; “Spirituality is a necessary human capacity that exists in every person through which we experience love and connection, unity and sense of guidance from and dialogue with life.”

Worried it’s not actually going to change anything?

Parenting a strong-willed child could bring anyone to their knees. There is so much opportunity to turn this struggle into the most significant growth of your life, even if your child doesn't change at all. Time and time again, I witness that when a parent does the work to become more grounded and confident, her child will pick up on that energy and shift as well.

Worried your partner won’t be on board?

It’s understandable if your partner is suspicious of the effectiveness of gentle parenting, especially if they themselves weren't raised with respect and tenderness. Thankfully, it only takes one person in a family to change their behavior for the impact to be felt by the entire group. This course will be your oxygen mask that helps everyone breathe better.

Your partner is welcome to watch all the prerecorded content.

I have recorded a three-minute summary video for each week, that way you can text the link to your partner so they can follow along on your learning journey. I even give them sample questions they can ask you!

Worried your child is legitimately too challenging for this to help?

This course is not designed to replace medical assistance or an official diagnosis. This is the first step for a family struggling with a difficult to parent child or additional support for those also pursuing clinical help. This class primarily serves you as the parent, regardless of your child’s unique challenges.

What if…

It’s possible to feel proud
of how you parent
rather than constantly worrying
about getting it wrong?

This could be YOU...

  • You stay calm & cool.

    Your Spicy One just had a 5-alarm tantrum but you stayed calm and cool. In fact, you snuggled together using breathing and your warm presence. You are proud of how you didn't let their upset become your upset. Your child puts their hand in yours, looks in your eyes and says “you always make everything better.”

  • You model healthy conflict.

    Your young adult child sparkles out in the world, getting the first job of their dreams, winning over other adults and pursuing their passions. Their friendships are robust and healthy, and they even take a selfie with you once in a while. They know how to engage in healthy conflict because you’ve modeled it over and over again.

  • You are their safe place.

    Your adult child comes home often just to be with you. They seek you out for advice because you are their safe person. They are eager to offer you an intimate peek into their wild and wonderful life, because they know you love them for exactly who they are.

“If you're ready to do some soul-stretching work on yourself & take the time to look at the big picture of your family, THIS IS YOUR COURSE! Mary has a gift of bringing out the best parts of who you are as a mother & helping you shine!”

— Alicia, Fall 2022

  • Moms of Spicy Ones® is about to begin...

    Will you join us?

    Alison B. says: “I'm so grateful to feel able to enjoy and celebrate my child, who is so different than I am, instead of merely surviving our differences.”

Frequently asked questions (FAQs):

  • You have a Spicy One™ if more than a few of these apply…

    • Feel things intensely and express themselves in big emotional outbursts (from rage to joyful screaming)

    • Possess a fierce drive for independence and doing it their own way

    • Choose to be completely true to themselves, not others

    • Seem unafraid to take up space or disappoint others (but feel outsized shame when corrected)

    • Powerfully negotiate with adults until they lose hope and melt down

    • Struggle to be consoled physically

    • Either exhibit a zest for life or complain that they don’t want to live anymore

    • Have energy to spare and tend to be moving all the time

    • Test as gifted in some ways but completely inept in others

    • Have a deep sense of justice (but are fine if they themselves break the rules)

    • Refuse to rest long in contentedness always wondering “what’s next”

    • Sometimes hurt folks unintentionally

    • Default to brutal honesty with powerful words that can wound or delight

    • Seem acutely aware of others’ feelings yet miss the social cues that peers are feeling disgruntled

    • Learn best through defiance and personally experienced failure (rather than parental guidance)

    • Share a silly subversive sense of humor (and dark misuse of toys)

    • Enjoys “poking the bear” or bothering other children in order to get a dramatic reaction and some sensory needs met

    • Play so competitively that they meltdown when they lose and/or refuse to play by the rules

    • Notice everything from how a chair was moved, to mom waking up in a bad mood

    • Prefer to direct the play of peers

    • Refuse to say “I love you” until they feel it

    • Are a change-maker, free spirit or innovator but rarely a follower

    But it also depends on your own unhealed need to control, your propensity to judge rather than accept, and the work you’ve done to articulate your own childhood.

    It depends if you are a Highly Sensitive Person or if you struggle with attention-related difficulties.

    It depends on how strong your fear of displeasing others is. We start to explore all of that in MOSO.

  • MOSO will take you anywhere from one hour to three hours a week depending on your ability to participate.

    For just one hour/week, you could watch the pre-recorded curriculum only and complete the self-reflection journal entries.

    If you can afford another hour, you could attend or watch the live coaching session on Tuesdays.

    If you were able to add a third hour, you could sign up for an accountability partner, and join the online community to make some friends.

  • Optional coaching calls are weekly on Tuesdays. You choose the ONE call a week that you need based on your most difficult child’s age.

    Week 1: 10/1 10AM Kids & 6PM Teens
    Week 2: 10/8 10AM Teens & 6PM Kids 
    Week 3: 10/15 10AM Kids & 6PM Teens
    Week 4: 10/22 10AM Teens & 6PM Kids
    Week 5: 11/5 10AM Kids & 6PM Teens
    11/6 6pm Dads of Spicy One Check In
    Week 6: 11/12 10AM Teens & 6PM Kids
    Week 7: 11/19 10AM Kids & 6PM Teens
    Week 8:  12/3 10AM Teens & 6PM Kids

    All calls are recorded for those who are unable to attend and are viewable for 30 days after the meeting.

    Call times are PST. All coaching calls are recorded and available to watch until 1 month after class ends.

    Note: you may attend only one group call per week but you may watch all recordings.

    Plus 3 optional LIVE Social Hours and Rapid Fire Q&As:

    Friday 10/11 3pm PT

    Monday 10/28 5pm PT

    Friday 11/15 9am PT

    Additionally, the weekly curriculum videos are released each Thursday. It’s recommended to watch them before the following Tuesday coaching call.

  • All parents can benefit from learning to parent their Spicy One well!

    This course is designed for two groups:

    Kids: parents of kids aged 2-10 and Teens: parents of kids 11 - 18.

    You will have to chose which group you want to participate with when it comes to coaching calls. Pick the child who takes the most energy to parent right now.

    Worried it’s too late?

    C.S. Lewis said it best, “You can’t go back and change the begining, but you can start where you are and change the ending”

  • Heck yes. I promise not to give you techniques that assume you have a village supporting you or even someone who can watch your child while you shower!

    All material can be consumed a-synchronistically to work with the meager free time you have to learn. Plus, you can request that your accountability partner is also a single mom (if that feels critical for someone to be a suportive listener for you).

  • Yes. You are invited to watch all the recorded curriculum and recordings of coaching calls with your co-parent.

    No extra purchase is required.

    Plus I have a weekly “Attention: Dads!” 3 minute video to alert partners, unable to invest the time to watch, to what topics we are covering in that week. The “Attention Dads” videos include supportive questions they can ask you.

    There will also be an optional Dads of Spicy Ones Check in Zoom on November 6th. A therapist and fellow dad will be joining to co-facilitate. No moms needed on this call.

    Please note: Only moms will have access to an accountability partner and get to attend the live coaching calls. Those calls can be emotional and need to stay a private safe space with no spectators.

  • Nope. While I personally identify as a deconstructing, radically affirming Christian, no religious affiliation is explored or communicated in this course. I believe Moms of Spicy Ones need the benefits that come with opening up to a higher power, but how you define that is up to you.

    Lisa Miller wisely says, “Spirituality is a necessary human capacity that exists in every person through which we experience love and connection, unity and sense of guidance from and dialogue with life.”

  • The 8 weeks of MOSO pre-recorded weekly curriculum and self-reflection journals are yours forever.

    Please note: Bonus access to Tweens & Teens , Kind:Gentle Parenting 101 and Calm is only available for 2 months (through the duration of the live course).

    The recordings of the LIVE coaching session (from Tuesdays) are kept on-line for 1 month after each meeting takes place. After that, they are moved into the Spicy Ones Society membership wall to protect the vulnerability of constantly shifting mammas! No one needs to have their BEFORE moments memorialized forever.

    The optional accountability partner might become a friend for life.

    The online community ends after 8 weeks (unless you decide to join the graduates membership called Spicy One Society).

  • Because the course is a digital product that is immediately accessible, to be eligible for a refund, you must NOT have accessed any of the course modules.

    Additionally, refund requests must be received within fourteen (14) days of purchasing the course to be considered.

    Vulnerability and authenticity are core values of the MOSO community. Therefore, I put a lot of effort into an accurate representation of the course experience. I am happy to answer any questions in advance of purchase.

    Thank you for understanding.

Have further questions?
Send the team an email

“I'm so grateful for the teaching to watch at my own pace, and for the in-real-time connections. I had a fabulous accountability partner and really appreciated the live coaching calls. Thank you so much for this work! MOSO™ has been a huge gift to me and my family.” 

—Alison, Fall 2022