Welcome to my Get Started Quiz!

Mary Van Geffen, Parent Coach for the Spicy Ones™ holding a coffee mug, wearing a blue shirt and red earrings with red lipstick

Hi, I’m Mary.

I coach moms of Spicy Ones® and I already know something about you!


Wanna know how I know?

The fact that you’re here
shows you care — deeply.

But where do you even begin?!

You want to be a better parent for your child.

This quiz will help you
find out which foundational
parenting skill

(Calm, Kind, or Firm)
is most crucial for you to start practicing.

You can shift your relationship
with your child

Let’s get started!

How old is your child?

If you have more than one child, you can either select based on the age of your oldest child or the child you find most challenging to parent.