Give yourself some space in 2023
I hope the last days of 2022 were calm and full of warmth. Here's a 2022 Reflection Journal prompt I made for you. May it help you exit the year with much intentionality and hope. (freebie reflection.pdf)
With all the extra together time, the teens have been rolling their eyes and telling me to “chill” like it’s their j-o-b.
When my teen says something mean or critical, I find my brain searching for what to say back that would hurt just enough to change their behavior. I also fantasize about the perfect-cutting remark aimed right at their deepest fear. I'm human, okay!
This is your reminder that it is positive reinforcement that changes behavior. Science has proven it!
Warmth wins over the angry teen and the defiant toddler.
If their words or attitude feels hurtful, give yourself some space. Take time to come back down to your gracious self rather than add more negativity to the fire. Don’t bring the verbal big guns to this battle.
I know you could say things that would strike that child’s sense of self and reverberate for decades inside their head.
Instead, say something loving TO YOURSELF inside your head. Something like, “I’m a kind and loving mom who can handle the off-gassing of an immature human.” And then lovingly walk away!
What was something a parent or adult said to you that you can’t forget?
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