On Honoring Emotional Milestones
Emotions make us do odd things.
Like the other day, when I hid in a parking lot outside a cafe to watch my youngest pour coffee at his very first job ever.
What a thrilling thing to see him holding boiling liquid over unsuspecting patrons! They have no idea this guy’s never poured coffee before in his life.
This boy child should not be allowed to pour boiling liquids. This girl child should still live with me!
There’s something unnerving about seeing your child existing in the wild without you, but isn’t that kind of the goal? To raise reasonably happy, healthy, interdependent humans who live into their full potential?
Being a parent invites us to live life with our hearts fully exposed to time and the elements.
So many moms celebrate their teen’s high school graduation with balloons, parties and a big soul ache in the pit of their stomach. Our grief at the impending departure of our children can feel almost silly in this “up and at 'em” culture. Like our sadness or role confusion must mean we are too clingy.
If this is you and you are swimming just below the surface of deep loss at your family shrinking soon, I see you!
We don’t always take space to acknowledge the losses, injuries, missed opportunities, disappointments, and heartaches of everyday time passing on this wild parenting ride. Let us take a moment to honor the emotional milestones we climb over as parents – the end of the diaper phase, Kindergarten graduation or college graduation, the first glimpses of a tween’s drive for independence, empty nesting, becoming grandparents -- and everything in between.
One of the best ways I’ve found to help process the rollercoaster of feelings is music and dance. There’s a release that can come from allowing your body to physically act out your joys and heartaches.
Wondering what to dance to? I’ve got you covered. My Hack Your Crying Playlist was created for such a time as this.
How to Hack Emotional Release through Music and Dancing
Step One: Pump the jams!
Step Two: Shut your eyes and move your body as you feel led.
Step Three: Get really into it.
Step Four: Bawl your eyes out!
Which milestones are happening for you – or are on the horizon in your family?
Rooting for you,