Cheating Isn’t Always Bad…
Let’s be real – summer schedules can be a total cluster truck.
When it comes to wrangling kids over the summer, regardless of whether you work outside the home or exclusively inside it, we’re probably all a little too nostalgic about these long summer days.
The reality as parents, (especially parents to Spicy OnesⓇ!) is summer is often comprised of incessant complaints of boredom, screen time battles, sibling rivalries, and endless packing and unpacking for trips.
How are we all doing so far???
Today, I want to give you permission to steal someone else’s work! (I know we’re not supposed to peek at our seat mate’s paper, but as a Spicy One myself, I’ve never been much of a rule follower.)
So let’s all compare notes!
Here are some real-life examples of your peers working smarter not harder when it comes to SUMMER SCHEDULES!
Struggling to make it all happen? Let me help!
My top tips for summer planning:
Start by making two lists:
1. Daily Schedule – think of this like your daily routines, the nonnegotiables or things you want to prioritize regularly throughout the summer. Some ideas:
Reading time
Outdoor time
Screen time
Friend time
Chore time
2. Bucket List – these are the special things you and your people want to do! Here are some ideas:
Day trips
Special treats
Movies to watch
Local places to go
Skills you want to learn
Start by brainstorming a big ol’ list. You’ll organize it more later.
Make sure everyone has a voice!
It’s time to cull your list! Be realistic about how much can actually fit on your daily schedule. (Set a timer if you need to see how long a task actually takes.) Organize each bucket list item into must-dos and want-to-dos.
Make sure each person gets to keep at least ONE thing on there!
Step Three: PLAN
Grab a sheet of paper or a calendar and start writing how and when you’re going to do the priorities on your list! Make sure you display the finished result in a public space to help remind everyone of their goals.
If you check off items as you accomplish them, you can use your completed calendar or list to showcase all the good times you had! (This is an especially useful tool when everyone seems to be complaining about how “you never do anything we wanna do!”)
These tips all work great whether you have a preschooler or a teenager!
Here’s our running bucket list so far!
My unfinished bucket list is already working! My son has only been off school for two days so far, but we’ve already started a puzzle together. So romantic! Plus, he’s gone to the beach, washed his car, and sat with me to watch a bit of my latest TV obsession: Palm Royale (which had a very unsatisfying ending). That is success with a 17-year-old.
Meanwhile The Spicy One comes home today from college!!! (Pray for me.)
Okay, one last tip! Don’t skimp on prioritizing yourself.
What’s your top priority for yourself this summer? A night away? A massage? A day trip? A summer sports league? I have a friend who is taking a full week off this summer to go on a girl’s trip. Maybe that sounds like a long shot in your life right now – but every good thing starts with a wish!
What’s your wish? Feel free to hit reply and let me know your dreams for yourself and your family.
Rooting for you this summer!