You can learn new life-changing skills for your gentle parenting journey in just 1 hour.

Pick a product that speaks to the gaps you might have in connecting with your child.


  • Calm

    This one-hour parenting class teaches self-regulation 101 for parents and other leaders. Learn how to calm yourself in the midst of chaos, defiance and uncontrollable emotions.

  • Kind

    This class discusses the basics of communicating gently so your child is more likely to cooperate and feel connected. Feel confident in the limits you set as a parent and bring more peace into your home with four E.P.I.C. parenting skills!

  • Firm

    Exhausted by your little boundary pusher’s creative loopholes, relentless arguments and constant pushback? This 1-hour class helps you create a plan for setting limits that actually work so your child can follow through on important house rules.

  • The Collection

    Be Firm. Get Calm. Stay Kind.

    Save $30 on this collection of life-changing pre-recorded skill-building classes.

  • Good Enough

    Perfectionism dragging you down? This class is a compassion-soaked experience using both an ancient somatic practice and a visualization meditation to help free you from your impossible parenting standards. Lean into your gifts and soak in the truth of who you truly are!

  • Tweens & Teens

    Kids growing up too fast? This course is designed for parents of tweens & teens focusing on how to navigate the parenting shifts that come with puberty. It teaches effective communication techniques and ways to enjoy the journey of raising adolescents, free from crippling fear and dread.

  • Siblings School

    Kids constantly at each other's throats? Don't worry - your kids don't need to act like best friends to have a healthy relationship! This two-part class helps bring healing to sibling rivalry while also supporting parents looking to solve sibling conflict with gentleness and compassion.

  • Moms of Spicy Ones®

    Keeping your cool and cultivating a warm connection with your big-feeling human is no small task.

    Raising a loud, persistent, intense child is easier when you have community and support.

  • How to Say No to Adults Without Feeling Guilty

    Learn to set boundaries with ADULTS kindly, clearly, and effectively.

Digital Downloads

  • Family Rules Cheat Sheet

    There are a bajillion potential limits to consider when parenting a strong-willed child. Setting too many rules creates more opportunities for conflict. Meanwhile, shying away from structure can be a form of neglect. Feel like you can’t win? I’ve got you!

  • The Feeling Wheel

    Ready to become a safer space for your child big feelings? Start by becoming a safe space for yourself.

    If you didn’t have practice growing up naming and welcoming your emotions, here is a Feelings Wheel and Emoji chart to guide and measure your progress.

  • Help the Teacher

    As a Mom of a Spicy One™, you deserve an extra dose of support when your child is navigating new classrooms, teachers, and expectations.

    ​.​Here’s a form I created to help you warn…er, equip your child’s teacher to best support them.

  • Toys for Teens

    We all want to help our young adults be creators rather than consumers.

    That means we, the parents, must invest in age-appropriate options to entice them off screens.

    Download my list of engaging "toys" that inspire developmental play rather than passive entertainment.

  • Repair

    Ready to learn how to repair things after you mess up?

    Every parent gets overwhelmed and does things they regret.

    Your willingness to take responsibility for your mistake is the secret ingredient to creating a safe relationship with your child.

  • Finding Your Calm

    Calm is within your reach.

    Learn 3 quick strategies to help you find your calm in the chaotic parenting moments that usually make you want to scream or shut down.

  • 10 Holiday Boundaries

    I've got scripts for you...carefully chosen words for teaching folks to respect your child's body, eating habits, and mental health.

    This holiday season, use these 10 scripts to calmly and warmly set the boundary that feels most important to you

  • Family Culture

    Bring intention and unity to your family!

    This guide will help you co-create the values that will support your family with successful problem-solving, healthy communication, and joyful shared activities.

Moms of Spicy Ones

Keep your cool and cultivate warm connection with your intense child.

Eight transformative weeks of video lessons, LIVE coaching calls, accountability, and online community.

Group Classes

Be the hero of your organization!

Schedule a group viewing of a life-changing pre-recorded skill-building class.

The tools you’ve taught me will be invaluable to my mental health and the atmosphere of our home. I feel more hopeful about motherhood today than I have in a very long time!”

— Class Participant

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